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Friday, May 5, 2017

Cheryl's Soup

My friend Cheryl calls this "Crisper Soup."  We just call it "Cheryl's Soup."  It's the perfect soup to make with whatever you have on hand and it works especially well with our frozen, roasted tomatoes.  I plan to freeze extra tomatoes JUST for this soup.  We've been enjoying it once a week since it's perfect for this rainy weather pattern that Vermont seems to get stuck in every Spring.  I am so thankful to Cheryl for sharing her recipe with us!

Cheryl's Soup
(it's hard to say how many it serves, but hopefully, you'll get at least 4 servings)

2-4 cloves garlic
Couple carrots
Couple celery stalks (if you have)
Diced red pepper (if you have, but it's so much better with a pepper)

Diced / chunked sweet potatoes if I have one (yum!)
28 oz diced tomatoes (if using frozen, roasted tomatoes, puree them first)
3c water or veggie stock (or more… I like my soups thick and chunky)
Generous grinds of fresh pepper
Salt to taste if I’m not using stock
Tofu cubes
Herbs (Parsley and basil OR rosemary - we love it with rosemary)

Simmer for 30 mins or so

Other things I like to add:
Sliced spinach
Diced potatoes

Serve with a dollop of pesto or with parm.

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