Thursday, October 8, 2015

Tomato Jam

This is one of those recipes that gets passed around on a slip of paper without a clue of the origination.  My recipe is on a pink square of paper written in red pen and likely originated from my mom's friend Susie from Florida.

We LOVE tomato jam.  We love it on bread with eggs, on a turkey sandwich, with brie and crackers.  It's a delicious taste of summer.  It needs a lot of tomatoes so I seem to only make it every other year.

Tomato Jam
makes roughly 10 jelly jars worth

20 tomatoes (about 3 quarts) or just fill up your biggest pot
4 cups sugar
2 cups balsamic vinegar (white balsamic is preferred but I only had it the first time)
4 tsp salt

Dice tomatoes (peel and seed if desired or run through a folley, I dont).  Put in largest pot with remaining ingredients and bring it a slow boil.  Reduce heat and simmer until tomatoes have a jam-like consistency.  They will get even more jam-like when they cool.  It can take HOURS to reduce enough so feel free to turn it off and reduce it more later or leave it on barely a simmer while you tackle other things.

Let cool and jar.  I have not canned it.  I prefer to freeze the jars.

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