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Monday, July 13, 2015


We make our own lotions, potions, and sunblock.  While we still havent found the best recipe, this one comes pretty close.  We did make another sunscreen once that had aloe vera in it.  I might try that one again, but the aloe smell is a bit strong, so I had to add extra essential oils to it.  Thanks to Wellness Mama for the inspiration for this latest batch (recipe here).

Natural Sunscreen

½ cup olive oil
¼ cup coconut oil (natural SPF 4)
¼ cup beeswax
2 very full Tablespoons Zinc Oxide
Optional: Essential Oils, Vanilla Extract or other natural extracts to suit your preference

Combine ingredients except zinc and essential oils in a glass jar.
Fill a medium saucepan with a couple inches of water and place over medium-high heat.
Put a lid on the jar loosely and place in the pan with the water.
As the water heats, the ingredients in the jar will start to melt. Shake or stir occasionally to incorporate.

When all ingredients are completely melted, add the zinc oxide and oils, stir in well and pour into whatever jar or tin you will use for storage.
Small mason jars are great for this. It will not pump well in a lotion pump!
Stir a few times as it cools to make sure zinc oxide is incorporated.

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